English Poetical Notebook (Collection Of Early Verses)
Descrizione: Here are gathered all my early (till 2015) poetical attempts in English, which are not very much and also quite different in their genre, although all are mostly light verses with the so called nursery rhymes. At last in 2016 the book is closed.
Incipit: These are light verses, in English, covering different topics, and they are such because this is what I like to read and write, and I am doing this from the very beginning, as you say, , or for fun. Yet I have put it also in poetical form, namely: | How the glands of the body secrete, | So many poets write verses, indeed. | Only that the others usually don't admit this. The topics are: funny things, sexy things, political things, for children, dedicated things, and others.
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tags: #acrostics(4) #funny(65) #in russian(17) #light verses(13) #nonsenses(8) #parodies(6) #political(3) #sexy(32) #sundry(5) #for children(6)
tags: #acrostics(4) #funny poetry(18) #in bulgarian(28) #limericks(6) #miniatures(2) #nearly serious(1) #nonsenses(8) #parodies(6) #light verses(13)
tags: #in bulgarian(28) #in english(16) #in german(5) #in russian(17) #multilingua(6) #poetry(19) #acrostics(4)
tags: #in bulgarian(28) #light verses(13) #nonsenses(8) #parodies(6) #political(3) #sundry(5) #funny(65)
tags: #for children(6) #light verses(13) #nonsenses(8) #parodies(6) #sundry(5) #funny(65)
tags: #funny(65) #love(9) #philosophically(27) #sonnets(1) #woman body(1) #bulgarian(4)
tags: #light(1) #poetry(19) #sexy(32) #sonnet(1) #verses(6) #funny(65)
tags: #comparisons(5) #etymology(24) #funny(65) #in russian(17) #non traditionally(24) #philosophy(28) #pro and contra(7) #proofs(4) #barbarity(8)
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