Shitty But Frankly (7 Times 7 Myrskets By Friends In Poetry) – Abridged!
Descrizione: This is a book of funny & not decent poetry, like collection of several (7) new authors and contains only the invented by me Myrskets (by 7 from an author), + a rounding (to make them 50) piece, plus a famous Appendix by me. Yet it is abridged here.
Incipit: This is a book of poetry, yet it isn't in my traditional form, but is a collection of 7 new (as if) authors and contains only the invented by me Myrskets (by 7 such from an author), plus a rounding (to make them 50) piece from me, and an Appendix with one shitty (if I may allow myself this expression) ballad that waits the musician, who will use it as libretto. Ah, and they have one small introductory half-page plus one small verse at the end, preferably of 7 lines.
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