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The Sweet Apocalypse (An Essay About Dying Current Civilization)

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Descrizione: This is a paper about the decline of our civilization, in what we don't believe en masse because it is not felt as dying, it /smells/ good, yet it is a decline, obviously for those who give a thought to it.

Incipit: I have come to the idea for this paper turning in my head the word apocalypse (or -sus), where apo- is a prefix in old Greek said to mean back /-ward, but I think that the idea here is rather in some movement ahead due to some digging, picking, delving, like with a pickaxe, of making a step forward. This has to be so because dopo in Italian is after, and only po in Latin, as shortened from podex, is something near to the ground, what is to the same idea if we imagine that we have…

The Sweet Apocalypse (An Essay About Dying Current Civilization)
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#apocalypse(2)    #capitalism(8)    #civilization(3)    #decline(3)    #etymology(23)    #happiness(4)    #important(5)    #over production(4)    #bad(22)

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The Sweet Apocalypse (An Essay About Dying Current Civilization) di Jotata – Atatoj è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Descrizione: In Russian. Это небольшая папка с вещами, писанные на русском и в основном для всех СНГ-цев. В последствии, однако, я решил претворить её на английском, на этот раз якобы для всех арабов и т.д., но это не совсем то, вещи адаптированы к аудитории.
incipit: In Russian. Содержание./ Уроки болгарского [короткое ознакомл. с болг.]./ Под болгарским флагом [1а брильянтовая идея связанная с болг. да НЕ флагом]./ СНГ, или по другому? [письмецо всем СНГ-цам об имени сообщества]./ Гневное продолжение (темы о болг. языке) [болг., рус., и анг. языки, фонетика, грамматика, внутри- и внешне- полит. значение, и проч.]./ Опус 137 [посвящённый славянам всем, которые очень… славные люди]./ Не мечите бисера перед… русскими (и СНГ-цами) [прощальный материал]./

tags: #etymology(23)    #grammar(2)    #important(5)    #in russian(14)    #languages(2)    #phonetics(4)    #policy(1)    #russia(17)    #bulgaria(13)

(racconto giornalismo, medio)  di nwJotata – Atatoj
Descrizione: In English: says what was in the Open Letter in Bulgarian, gives non-standard info about the country & the author, then an idea for using of Latin alph. for writhing of all languages, with funny examples, then how the author can be used, some poetry.
incipit: This material has to fulfill several purposes, namely: to explain why I decided to "pollute" your site with this strange Bulgarian language, to give a possibly brief summary of what was in the mysterious Open Letter, to provide the readers on this site with some non-standard information about Bulgaria, to tell you something about the very author, then to make you acquainted with one my idea for using of Latin alphabet for sufficiently good writing of ALL world languages, to use it as example…

tags: #latin alphabet(1)    #acrostic(1)    #barbarism(1)    #bravi autori(2)    #etymology(23)    #misery(5)    #own idea(1)    #translation(3)    #bulgaria(13)

Descrizione: In Russian. Это сборная папка со всякими статьями, в которых изложены разные мои научные и популярные идеи, которые поделены здесь пока в три части: лингвистические, программистские, и социальные. Инициалы ПИР моя выдумка, это как бы пир для ума.
incipit: In Russian. В первой части этимологические и схожие вопросы (о мировом алфавите, об этимологии чисел, и о мировой транслитерации латинскими буквами), которые довольно-таки специальные, во второй программистские идей и реализации плюс один перечень всяких ПИР-идеях вне ПИР-а, и в третьей некоторые идеи для общества (о правосудии, с математическими выкладками), бизнеса и банках, как и о новом календаре.

tags: #russian(3)    #computer(18)    #etymology(23)    #ideas(7)    #law(2)    #propositions(20)    #realizations(2)    #scientific(7)    #business(2)

Descrizione: This is a common folder with various papers, in which are expressed all kinds of my scientific & popular ideas, here in 3 parts: linguistical, computer programs, social questions. The initials PIR are my invention, in Russian this word means feast.
incipit: In English. In the first part are etymological and similar questions (about a world alphabet, etymology of numbers, and world transliteration with Latin chars), which are pretty specialized, in the second are programmer ideas and realizations plus one enumeration of various PIR ideas outside this PIR folder, and in the third are some ideas for the society (about law and justice, with mathematical calculations), business and banks, as also about new calendar.

tags: #business(2)    #computer science(1)    #etymology(23)    #ideas(7)    #law(2)    #propositions(20)    #realizations(2)    #serious works(5)    #scientific(7)

Descrizione: This is my latest idea about one, preferably atheistic Church, that can be called WoTri (i.e. of Woman Trinity) Church, or PAW Cult, because there are worshiped three deities, Putna, Afro, and Wimei, and in triangular churches, in 3 different altars.
incipit: This has to be not big material, and the idea is very young for me, but it seems so philosophically profound in my opinion that I just can't wait more before its publication. And why should I invent religious fables now? For one thing I have invented a pair of religions under my traditional pseudonym (have even begun my activity as writer with one atheistic religion), but for another thing I don't intend to become now preacher, I have many other things to do in my remaining years. So that…

tags: #entertaining(4)    #etymology(23)    #faces(3)    #new religion(2)    #original idea(11)    #philosophically(25)    #woman(3)    #atheism(9)

Descrizione: In Russian. Это моя последняя идея об одной атеистической, Церкви, которая может быть названа ЖеТри (т.е. Женской Троицы) Церковь, или ПАВ (PAW) Культ, потому что там преклоняются перед тремя богинями, Путна (Putna), Афро (Afro), и Вимеи (Wimei).
incipit: In Russian. Этот материал не должен быть длинным, и идея пока ещё очень свежая для меня, однако она выглядит настолько философски глубокой по моему, что я просто не могу ждать больше перед её публикацией. Да и почему я должен выдумывать религиозные сказки теперь? С одной стороны я выдумал пару религий под моим традиционным псевдонимом (я даже начал свою писательскую деятельность одной атеистической религией), но с другой стороны я не собираюсь становиться проповедником, у меня куча вещей…

tags: #atheism(9)    #etymology(23)    #faces(3)    #idea(10)    #original(2)    #philosophically(25)    #religion(16)    #woman(3)    #entertaining(4)

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Това е моята последна идея за една, атеистична, Църква, която може да бъде наречена ЖеТри (т.е. Женска Троица, WoTri) Църква, или ПАВ (PAW) Култ, защото там се прекланят пред три богини, Путна (Putna), Афро (Afro), и Вимеи (Wimei).
incipit: In Bulgarian. Този материал не трябва да бъде дълъг, и идеята за него е още твърде свежа за мен, но тя ми се вижда толкова философски задълбочена, че аз просто не мога да чакам повече преди нейната публикация. А и защо трябва да измислям религиозни притчи сега? От една страна аз съм измислил две религии под моя традиционен псевдоним (аз дори започнах своята писателска дейност с една атеистична религия), а от друга страна аз и не се каня да ставам проповедник, аз имам сумата други неща, които…

tags: #atheism(9)    #etymology(23)    #faces(3)    #idea(10)    #original(2)    #philosophically(25)    #religion(16)    #woman(3)    #entertaining(4)

Descrizione: These are strange letters intended to give some explanations about life through the prism of… etymology. There are also many ideas & propositions by the author, and a bit of poetry at the end of most of them, what makes the reading pleasurable.
incipit: Well, these /are/ letters, and you, as well also the other younger than me people, are some of my possible descendants, so that it is quite natural to accept that this is really so, isn't it? And I am going to tell you all some things that I know but you possibly don't, because nowadays people tend to think about nothing, so that you better accept that I am your great-great-great-grandfather, who shares his (immense) wisdom with you, not much brainy adolescents (even if you have grown quite old)

tags: #life(6)    #light verses(12)    #nature(60)    #own ideas(7)    #philosophy(27)    #poetry(17)    #words(2)    #etymology(23)

Descrizione: This is only very shortened variant (6 %), intended for first look at one enormous scientific book, the nearest genre to which is etymology, but not only. This is a book about Creation viewed through the words, also philosophical book, and so on.
incipit: This book is not what you might think it is, because it isn't work of fiction, neither dry etymological research, nor philosophical essay, but has elements of all this and something more. You may think it is some popular etymology (guide around the interesting world of words), though certain ideas that I give here are beyond any etymology and I also work in several languages (like: English, German, Bulgarian, Russian, French, Italian, Latin, Greek, even Persian and Sanskrit). …

tags: #etymology(23)    #ideas(7)    #languages(2)    #philosophy(27)    #reading(1)    #suggestions(2)    #words(2)    #comments(1)

Descrizione: In Russian. Это популярное и забавное эссе о болгарском варварстве, которое написано в моей популярной и нетрадиционной манере, как и предыдущие социальные эссе.
incipit: In Russian. Это углублённое, методическое, этимологическое, философское, но и популярное и забавное эссе или студия о болгарском варварстве, со множеством примеров и сравнений между нами и другими странами. Оно длинное, но настолько /нетрадиционное/, что стоит положенных усилий по его прочтению. Не забыто и традиционное шуточное поэтическое Приложение (на английском) после конца текста.

tags: #comparisons(5)    #etymology(23)    #funny(61)    #in russian(14)    #non traditionally(24)    #philosophy(27)    #pro and contra(7)    #proofs(4)    #barbarity(7)

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