Descrizione: This is English adaptation of prosaic part, of one unexpected poetical impromptu, this time sextets of type ABABBA. These things in the most shameless manner spit at our democratic "achievements", that put us at the rightful last place in the EU.
incipit: This is my variant of mass protests in Bulgaria in the 2020, only that I don't cry "Down with this Government (let a new one takes place)!" but criticize the whole botched transition to our utmost /right-wing/ democracy, which turned to a long, 30 years for the moment, /war devastation/ of the country, which will end (after quarter to half century) with our disappearance as a country, not only in absolute number of the citizens, but also in sense of Bulgarian ethnicity!
tags: #anti democratic(2)
#in english(17)
#political review(2)
#retelling of verses(1)