Descrizione: This is English adaptation of Bulgarian original poetical booklet, where all prosaic parts are strictly translated, but the poetry (20%) is only sketched giving retold or not rhymed text. In this way everybody can have good idea about the material.
incipit: My dear readers, I have decided in principle to stop writing under this pseudonym, because this takes too much of my time, and I have already told all what I had to tell, I have proposed even a political party, yet there is no rule without exceptions, so that after the Muse quite unexpectedly visited me, exactly at minus /plus one week around our 24th May 2019 [what is our Day of Slavonic Culture], I decided to /squeeze/ out of myself everything what I can for this short interval of time …
tags: #democratic ruination(1)
#sarcastic poetry(1)
#spiteful material(2)