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Sun 06 October, 23:52:13

Elenenco delle opere (3) relazionate dal tag "OUTLAW"

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(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
Descrizione: More adventures of Neutrino and the geek outlaws.
incipit: Fabio was just getting out of the flat's door, when Neutrino emerged from his bedroom wearing only pijamas bottoms. "Morning, mate.", said Fabio half in and half out, "I made a tart with sour plum jam, true northern Italian style. Enjoy!". If he noticed the bandage on Neutrino's forearm, he didn't let it show. "Morning. Thanks.", returned Neutrino managing to overcome his lips that seemed to have been glued together during the night. The other disappeared and closed the door behind him.

tags: #outlaw(3)

(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
Descrizione: The 3Sigma go on a road trip to meet their friends Iron Chefs.
incipit: Dawn had broken already over Union City, but the clubhouse on the hills was still in the shadow, immersed in the bluish light of early morning. "You wouldn't think bikers would gather at dawn for a ride, eh?", commented drily Plasma to Neutrino. Who didn't reply, because he was attempting the impossible task of getting a few more minutes of sleep while sitting on his bike.

tags: #outlaw(3)    #biker(3)

(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
Descrizione: Neutrino is put to the test in front of the gourmet outlaws Iron Chefs.
incipit: They parked their bikes in formation in the parking lot which even had a canopy. The founders and Maestri of the Iron Chefs, Franco and Rosa and their son Vincent who had became Prez were there on the threshold, wearing the club patches and bandannas. They greeted the top ranks of the 3Sigma, and just gave looks to the patches and all the others.

tags: #biker(3)    #outlaw(3)

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Pagina caricata in 0.19 secondi.

Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

Special thanks to all the friends of BraviAutori who have
contributed to our growth with their suggestions and ideas.