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Sun 13 October, 09:01:12

Elenenco delle opere (4) relazionate dal tag "REAL LETTERS"

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Descrizione: The paper is in English. | Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: Cont. The point is that such is the behaviour of common people, not of highly placed political figures, so that our poor democratic achievements are results not only of objective circumstances but also, and predominantly, of our /_inborn barbarity_/ in a country of unbelievers! The material is in form of really written letters to the neighbours, which all have remained without proper actions on the part of the masses. Because it turned out to be pretty big, I have split it in 2 parts.

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(66)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: The paper is in German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(66)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: In Russian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(66)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: The paper is in Bulgarian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(66)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

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Pagina caricata in 0.38 secondi.

Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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