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Правильный Путь К Старости (советы пенсионерам)

(saggio altro, medio - per adulti)
Tempo di lettura: 28 / 42 minuti
33 visite dal 13/02/2020, l'ultima: 6 giorni fa.
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Descrizione: In Russian. Это популярная статья о правильном способе старения, которая написана в моей популярной и нетрадиционной манере, как и предыдущие социальные эссе.

Incipit: In Russian. Это популярная статья о правильном способе старения, которая включает: введение, конкретные главы о правильном взгляде на медицину и умеренность, об угрозах быстрого переходного периода (здесь к старости), о заботах для своего тела и его органов (базированные на личном опыте автора), потом о мозге, и философские заключительные замечания. Она предназначена для людей старше середины жизни, примерно в 40 лет. Не забыто и традиционное поэтическое Приложение (на английском).

Questa opera è riservata a un pubblico adulto.

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Licenza Creative Commons
Правильный Путь К Старости (советы пенсионерам) di Chris Myrski è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Това са дълги разсъждения за живота в градски условия в страни с нисък стандарт като България. Материалът е пъстър, но не е абстрактен, а се базира на проверени от автора методи. Не липсва и традиционното поетично Приложение.
incipit: In Bulgarian. Това е съдържанието: | I. ОБЩИ УКАЗАНИЯ ЗА РАЗУМЕН ЖИВОТ | 1. Древни Истини | 2. Стратегии На Оцеляване | II. ОЦЕЛЯВАНЕ В ГРАДСКИ УСЛОВИЯ | 1. Икономии В Жилището | 2. Храна И Приготвяне На Зимнина | 3. Треви, Зеленина, И Диви Плодове | 4. Как Да Не Ходим По Лекари | III. СПЕЦИФИЧНИ УМЕНИЯ | 1. Бране На Диворастящи Гъби | 2. Приготвяне На Вина От Диви Плодове | 3. Приготвяне На Настойки | ПОСЛЕПИС | ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ | Дивото Зове

tags: #economies(3)    #funny poetry(18)    #jogging(6)    #mushrooms(3)    #philosophy(27)    #reasonable life rules(3)    #wines(3)    #without physicians(3)    #survival for poor(3)

Descrizione: Das ist populäre Studie über den Kommunismus als Religion, wissenschaftlich erarbeitet, aus /apolitischem/ Standpunkt (so dass die Kommunisten nicht damit einverstanden sind), mit Elementen von SF über eine neue Religion, und mit poetischem Zusatz.
incipit: Trotz der verschiedenen Diskussionen über die Vor- oder Nachteile des Kommunismus, welche normalerweise nicht zu unbestrittenen Schlussfolgerungen führen, weil jedes Ding von der Zeit und dem Ort abhängig ist, jede Medizin — von der Dosis, jede Regierung — von dem Regierungsobjekt, jede Demokratie — von dem Demos, usw., scheint es, dass diese Überlegung für bulgarische (und nicht nur) Menschen, notwendig ist. Sie ist notwendig, nicht so sehr um neue Schuldige für die Krise zu finden, sondern…

tags: #atheism(9)    #communism(14)    #impartiality(5)    #multilingua(5)    #philosophy(27)    #science fiction(5)    #utopia(13)    #religion(16)

Descrizione: Questo è studio popolare sul comunismo come religione, elaborato scientificamente, da "apolitico" punto di vista (tale che i comunisti non sono d'accordo con esso), anche con elementi di SF su una nuova religione, e con Appendice poetica multilingue.
incipit: Nonostante le varie discussioni sui pro e contro del comunismo, discussioni che di solito non portano a conclusioni indiscutibili, perché ogni cosa dipende da tempo e luogo, ogni medicina — dalla dose, ogni governo — dall'oggetto del governo, ogni democrazia — dal demos, ecc., sembra che questa considerazione sia necessaria per le persone bulgare (e non solo), o almeno per la parte riflessiva di esse. Essa è necessaria, non tanto per trovare nuovi colpevoli per la crisi in Bulgaria, ma per …

tags: #atheism(9)    #impartiality(5)    #multilingua(5)    #philosophy(27)    #religion(16)    #science fiction(5)    #utopia(13)    #communism(14)

Descrizione: These are strange letters intended to give some explanations about life through the prism of… etymology. There are also many ideas & propositions by the author, and a bit of poetry at the end of most of them, what makes the reading pleasurable.
incipit: Well, these /are/ letters, and you, as well also the other younger than me people, are some of my possible descendants, so that it is quite natural to accept that this is really so, isn't it? And I am going to tell you all some things that I know but you possibly don't, because nowadays people tend to think about nothing, so that you better accept that I am your great-great-great-grandfather, who shares his (immense) wisdom with you, not much brainy adolescents (even if you have grown quite old)

tags: #life(6)    #light verses(12)    #nature(60)    #own ideas(7)    #philosophy(27)    #poetry(17)    #words(2)    #etymology(23)

Descrizione: This is only very shortened variant (6 %), intended for first look at one enormous scientific book, the nearest genre to which is etymology, but not only. This is a book about Creation viewed through the words, also philosophical book, and so on.
incipit: This book is not what you might think it is, because it isn't work of fiction, neither dry etymological research, nor philosophical essay, but has elements of all this and something more. You may think it is some popular etymology (guide around the interesting world of words), though certain ideas that I give here are beyond any etymology and I also work in several languages (like: English, German, Bulgarian, Russian, French, Italian, Latin, Greek, even Persian and Sanskrit). …

tags: #etymology(23)    #ideas(7)    #languages(2)    #philosophy(27)    #reading(1)    #suggestions(2)    #words(2)    #comments(1)

Descrizione: This is an etymological & educational paper, but written in frivolous & funny manner, discussing the grammatical genders, some forms related with them, the sexes, the very sexual organs, as well also some philosophical observations about the sexes.
incipit: This text is like subtitle. | This is belletristic work, and rather etymological essay, but it, still, can be taken as libretto for a musical piece with one introductory and 5 other movements, namely: | 0. adagio, lento, asessuale; | 1. andante assai cantabile; | 2. rondo mirabilmente giocoso; | 3. allegro vivace e sessuale; | 4. larghetto pensoso e melodioso; | 5. finale burlescamente furioso. ||

tags: #different languages(2)    #etymology(23)    #funny(61)    #hidden ideas(2)    #in english(13)    #interesting(2)    #philosophy(27)    #sexes(2)    #sexual organs(2)    #genders(2)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of This Year || 0.00. Why This Book? | 0.01. Why This Title? About The Difficulties | 0.02. About Bulgarian Deplorable Conditions And Barbarity | 0.03. About World Population | 0.04. More About Bulgarian Barbarity | 0.05. About Emancipation | 0.06. About Going to Pension | 0.07. About Future Social Allowances | 0.08. About Exploitation | 0.09. About Communism and Fascism | 0.10. About Gloria Mundi ||

tags: #funny(61)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #publicistics(9)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #in english(13)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of First Year || 1.00. About the Paradoxes | 1.01. About the Intellect and the Sciences | 1.02. About the Omnipresence of Stupidity | 1.03. About the Probability and the Existence of God | 1.04. About the /_Necessity_/ of Evil | 1.05. About the Core and the Border | 1.06. About the Several Ways to a Goal | 1.07. About the Compromises | 1.08. About the Global Warming and Some Bad Habits | 1.09. Where to After the Emancipation? | 1.10. Myself as Example ||

tags: #funny(61)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #publicistics(9)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #in english(13)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2022 is the second.
incipit: In English. Contents of Second Year || 2.00. About the Left and the Right | 2.01. About Neo-Communism | 2.02. About Contemporary Totalitarianism | 2.03. About Good Things Thrown Out | 2.04. About New Kind of Families | 2.05. About Mutual Consent in the Business | 2.06. The Best Ever Party — Manifesto | 2.07. The Best Ever Party — Program | 2.08. The Best Ever Party — Codex | 2.09. About Our Inaptitude to Give | 2.10. About Immorality of Capitalism ||

tags: #funny(61)    #in english(13)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #publicistics(9)

Descrizione: In Russian. Здесь 3 тома моей публицистики, состоящей из 4-х разделов: "Для Журналов", "Для Газет", "Фельетоны" и "Другие", которая охватывает очень большой период времени, примерно с 1990 и до 2017, когда я решил положить конец этой огромной книги.
incipit: In Russian. Эта книга содержит всю мою публицистику, писанную в периоде демократичного перехода в Болгарии, который начался в 1989 году, но не окончился за почти 30 лет, судя по нашим темпам и неразберихам. Всё таки даже к 2000-му году набралось немало вещей, так что я решил собрать их в одно место. На базе времени, в котором я их писал, логично ожидать, что они будут третировать в основном демократический феномен…

tags: #russian(3)    #economy(6)    #ideas(7)    #independently(6)    #politics(41)    #popularly(44)    #publicistics(9)    #untraditionally(6)    #bulgaria(13)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

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