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Chosen Chris Myrski (Non-Fiction Collection)

(racconto giornalismo, lunghissimo - per tutti)
44 visite dal 03/11/2020, l'ultima: 1 mese fa.
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Descrizione: In English. After more than a 1/4 of century literary work I have made this chosen collection of non-fiction works (papers, parts of books, essays), that I have translated in 3 languages (English, Russian, Bulgarian), each in 4 volumes.

Incipit: In English. (Cont.) The volumes are: 1. Communism Versus Democracy; 2. Market, Business, Economy, 3. Social Matters And Healthy Life, 4. Sundry Other Things. These topics are not strictly divided, nor ordered in the best manner, but now they exist and this is what matters. Probably it is good to say what I have left aside, how much. Well, about 10 percents, because I have almost nothing that is not actual in the moment, or can not become such later, if the situation changes.

Chosen Chris Myrski (Non-Fiction Collection)
file: temp1.htm
size: 1,67 MB

Chosen Chris Myrski (Non-Fiction Collection)
file: temp2.htm
size: 1,02 MB

Chosen Chris Myrski (Non-Fiction Collection)
file: temp3.htm
size: 1,95 MB

Chosen Chris Myrski (Non-Fiction Collection)
file: temp4.htm
size: 1,99 MB

Elenco Tag dell'opera:
#bulgaria(13)    #economy(6)    #independently(6)    #morality(6)    #own ideas(7)    #politics(41)    #popularly(44)    #serious works(5)    #untraditionally(6)    #publicistics(9)

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Chosen Chris Myrski (Non-Fiction Collection) di Chris Myrski è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: This is English adaptation of Bulgarian original poetical booklet, where all prosaic parts are strictly translated, but the poetry (20%) is only sketched giving retold or not rhymed text. In this way everybody can have good idea about the material.
incipit: My dear readers, I have decided in principle to stop writing under this pseudonym, because this takes too much of my time, and I have already told all what I had to tell, I have proposed even a political party, yet there is no rule without exceptions, so that after the Muse quite unexpectedly visited me, exactly at minus /plus one week around our 24th May 2019 [what is our Day of Slavonic Culture], I decided to /squeeze/ out of myself everything what I can for this short interval of time …

tags: #democratic ruination(1)    #genocide(2)    #retelling(1)    #sarcastic poetry(1)    #spiteful material(2)    #verses(5)    #bulgaria(13)

Descrizione: The paper is in English. | Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: Cont. The point is that such is the behaviour of common people, not of highly placed political figures, so that our poor democratic achievements are results not only of objective circumstances but also, and predominantly, of our /_inborn barbarity_/ in a country of unbelievers! The material is in form of really written letters to the neighbours, which all have remained without proper actions on the part of the masses. Because it turned out to be pretty big, I have split it in 2 parts.

tags: #barbarity(7)    #democracy(28)    #funny(61)    #neighbours(3)    #real letters(3)    #bulgaria(13)

Descrizione: The paper is in German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(7)    #democracy(28)    #funny(61)    #neighbours(3)    #real letters(3)    #bulgaria(13)

Descrizione: In Russian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(7)    #democracy(28)    #funny(61)    #neighbours(3)    #real letters(3)    #bulgaria(13)

Descrizione: This is an unorthodox article about the morality and the democracy explaining some basic, yet misunderstood, points about the democracy, in what way it is good and in what bad, why it has no morality, and how we can better it a little.
incipit: *0. Stating Of The Question* | Very often in the latter years I have been highly alarmed by the commonly used phrase about the "democratic values" which we have to defend, insist upon them, apply in our work, turn into reality, maintain constantly, and so on, meaning some moral values that have come to life with the democracy, but the point is, though I much regret to say this, that it could /not/ be true by the simple fact that *the democracy itself has no moral values*!…

tags: #critically(8)    #funny poetry(18)    #morality(6)    #non traditionally(24)    #popularly(44)    #democracy(28)

Descrizione: In Russian. Это неортодоксальное эссе о морали и демократии, объясняющее некоторые основные, но неправильно понятые, идеи о демократии, чем она хороша и плоха, почему в ней нету морали, и как её немного улучшить.
incipit: In Russian. *0. Постановка Вопроса* | В последних годах меня довольно часто притесняла стереотипная фраза о "демократических ценностях", которые мы должны защищать, отстаивать, применять в свою работу, претворять в реальность, и прочее, имея в виду некоторые моральные ценности, которые появились с приходом демократии, но дело в том, что такое утверждение, как бы я и не жалел сказать это, не может быть верным, потому что *демократия*, сама по себе, *не содержит никаких моральных ценностей*!…

tags: #critically(8)    #funny poetry(18)    #morality(6)    #non traditionally(24)    #popularly(44)    #democracy(28)

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Това е кратко есе за прословутите демократически ценности, в които се оказва, че практически няма никакви ценности. Но това е демокрацията. Накрая има и стихотворно приложение по темата, на английски (от чувство за срамежливост).
incipit: In Bulgarian. *0. Постановка На Въпроса* | През последните години твърде често ме е притеснявала стереотипната фраза за "демократичните ценности", които трябва да защищаваме, отстояваме, прилагаме в работата си, превръщаме в реалност, и прочее, имайки предвид някои морални ценности, възникнали с идването на демокрацията, но работата е там, че такова твърдение, колкото и да съжалявам да го кажа, не може да бъде вярно, по простата причина, че *демокрацията не съдържа никакви морални ценности*!…

tags: #critically(8)    #funny poetry(18)    #morality(6)    #non traditionally(24)    #popularly(44)    #democracy(28)

Descrizione: These are strange letters intended to give some explanations about life through the prism of… etymology. There are also many ideas & propositions by the author, and a bit of poetry at the end of most of them, what makes the reading pleasurable.
incipit: Well, these /are/ letters, and you, as well also the other younger than me people, are some of my possible descendants, so that it is quite natural to accept that this is really so, isn't it? And I am going to tell you all some things that I know but you possibly don't, because nowadays people tend to think about nothing, so that you better accept that I am your great-great-great-grandfather, who shares his (immense) wisdom with you, not much brainy adolescents (even if you have grown quite old)

tags: #life(6)    #light verses(12)    #nature(60)    #own ideas(7)    #philosophy(27)    #poetry(17)    #words(2)    #etymology(23)

Descrizione: This is collection of SF stories, or social SF, or utopian stories, written from maybe 1979 and till 2023. They are quite different, where some of them deal even with etymological questions, or are rather Platonic dialogues, yet they have ideas.
incipit: Cont.: The book is big and is split in 3 parts, and the stories are 16, but here everything is abridged to about 25 % (or 1 or 2 things in a part). Search for me in the Internet.

tags: #etymology(23)    #human stupidity(2)    #own ideas(7)    #social fiction(2)    #utopian fiction(2)

Descrizione: In Russian. Это сборник НФ рассказов, или социальной НФ, или утопических рассказов, писанных с 1979-го и до 2023-го. Они совершенно разные, где в некоторых проводятся даже этимологии, или это платоновские диалоги, но в них имеются идеи.
incipit: In Russian. Продолжение. Книга большая, состоит из 3-х частей, и всего 16 рассказов, но здесь всё сокращено до 25 % (или только 1а или 2 вещи в каждой части). Ищите меня в Интернете.

tags: #etymology(23)    #human stupidity(2)    #in russian(14)    #own ideas(7)    #social fiction(2)    #utopian fiction(2)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

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