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Mammyland (Poetically-Prosaic, As Well Anti-Democratic, Amalgamation)

(poesia umorismo, medio - per tutti)
168 visite dal 28/01/2021, l'ultima: 3 settimane fa.
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Descrizione: This is English adaptation of Bulgarian original poetical booklet, where all prosaic parts are strictly translated, but the poetry (20%) is only sketched giving retold or not rhymed text. In this way everybody can have good idea about the material.

Incipit: My dear readers, I have decided in principle to stop writing under this pseudonym, because this takes too much of my time, and I have already told all what I had to tell, I have proposed even a political party, yet there is no rule without exceptions, so that after the Muse quite unexpectedly visited me, exactly at minus /plus one week around our 24th May 2019 [what is our Day of Slavonic Culture], I decided to /squeeze/ out of myself everything what I can for this short interval of time …

Mammyland (Poetically-Prosaic, As Well Anti-Democratic, Amalgamation)
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Licenza Creative Commons
Mammyland (Poetically-Prosaic, As Well Anti-Democratic, Amalgamation) di Jotata – Atatoj è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: In Bulgarian: Mammyland (poetically-prosaic, as well anti-democratic, amalgamation). Това е силно плюещ нашата демокрация материал, а защо е такъв, то прочетете първо Писмото. И плюенето е основно на вълна наука и образование (като писана около 24.5)
incipit: Това е върло оплюваща рекапитулация на нашия демократичен път вече цели 30 години, във, както е казано в подзаглавието, поетична и прозаична форма, писана точно около празника на Кирил и Методи, така че засяга основно въпроси свързани със затриването на нашата интелигенция, волно или неволно. Ако действителността ни ви харесва то не четете материала, материала, но пък ако го четете съм длъжен да ви предупредя, че на редица места надминавам ботевския сарказъм, колкото и дръзко да звучи това.

tags: #democratic(1)    #genocide(2)    #ruination(1)    #spiteful material(2)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: This is a book of funny & not decent poetry, like collection of several (7) new authors and contains only the invented by me Myrskets (by 7 from an author), + a rounding (to make them 50) piece, plus a famous Appendix by me. Yet it is abridged here.
incipit: This is a book of poetry, yet it isn't in my traditional form, but is a collection of 7 new (as if) authors and contains only the invented by me Myrskets (by 7 such from an author), plus a rounding (to make them 50) piece from me, and an Appendix with one shitty (if I may allow myself this expression) ballad that waits the musician, who will use it as libretto. Ah, and they have one small introductory half-page plus one small verse at the end, preferably of 7 lines.

tags: #light(1)    #poetry(18)    #sexy(32)    #sonnet(1)    #verses(5)    #funny(63)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of This Year || 0.00. Why This Book? | 0.01. Why This Title? About The Difficulties | 0.02. About Bulgarian Deplorable Conditions And Barbarity | 0.03. About World Population | 0.04. More About Bulgarian Barbarity | 0.05. About Emancipation | 0.06. About Going to Pension | 0.07. About Future Social Allowances | 0.08. About Exploitation | 0.09. About Communism and Fascism | 0.10. About Gloria Mundi ||

tags: #funny(63)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #publicistics(9)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #in english(15)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of First Year || 1.00. About the Paradoxes | 1.01. About the Intellect and the Sciences | 1.02. About the Omnipresence of Stupidity | 1.03. About the Probability and the Existence of God | 1.04. About the /_Necessity_/ of Evil | 1.05. About the Core and the Border | 1.06. About the Several Ways to a Goal | 1.07. About the Compromises | 1.08. About the Global Warming and Some Bad Habits | 1.09. Where to After the Emancipation? | 1.10. Myself as Example ||

tags: #funny(63)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #publicistics(9)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #in english(15)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2022 is the second.
incipit: In English. Contents of Second Year || 2.00. About the Left and the Right | 2.01. About Neo-Communism | 2.02. About Contemporary Totalitarianism | 2.03. About Good Things Thrown Out | 2.04. About New Kind of Families | 2.05. About Mutual Consent in the Business | 2.06. The Best Ever Party — Manifesto | 2.07. The Best Ever Party — Program | 2.08. The Best Ever Party — Codex | 2.09. About Our Inaptitude to Give | 2.10. About Immorality of Capitalism ||

tags: #funny(63)    #in english(15)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #publicistics(9)

Descrizione: In Russian. Здесь 3 тома моей публицистики, состоящей из 4-х разделов: "Для Журналов", "Для Газет", "Фельетоны" и "Другие", которая охватывает очень большой период времени, примерно с 1990 и до 2017, когда я решил положить конец этой огромной книги.
incipit: In Russian. Эта книга содержит всю мою публицистику, писанную в периоде демократичного перехода в Болгарии, который начался в 1989 году, но не окончился за почти 30 лет, судя по нашим темпам и неразберихам. Всё таки даже к 2000-му году набралось немало вещей, так что я решил собрать их в одно место. На базе времени, в котором я их писал, логично ожидать, что они будут третировать в основном демократический феномен…

tags: #russian(3)    #economy(6)    #ideas(7)    #independently(6)    #politics(39)    #popularly(44)    #publicistics(9)    #untraditionally(6)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: In Russian. Это небольшая папка с вещами, писанные на русском и в основном для всех СНГ-цев. В последствии, однако, я решил претворить её на английском, на этот раз якобы для всех арабов и т.д., но это не совсем то, вещи адаптированы к аудитории.
incipit: In Russian. Содержание./ Уроки болгарского [короткое ознакомл. с болг.]./ Под болгарским флагом [1а брильянтовая идея связанная с болг. да НЕ флагом]./ СНГ, или по другому? [письмецо всем СНГ-цам об имени сообщества]./ Гневное продолжение (темы о болг. языке) [болг., рус., и анг. языки, фонетика, грамматика, внутри- и внешне- полит. значение, и проч.]./ Опус 137 [посвящённый славянам всем, которые очень… славные люди]./ Не мечите бисера перед… русскими (и СНГ-цами) [прощальный материал]./

tags: #etymology(24)    #grammar(2)    #important(5)    #in russian(16)    #languages(2)    #phonetics(4)    #policy(1)    #russia(17)    #bulgaria(14)

(racconto giornalismo, medio)  di nwJotata – Atatoj
Descrizione: In English: says what was in the Open Letter in Bulgarian, gives non-standard info about the country & the author, then an idea for using of Latin alph. for writhing of all languages, with funny examples, then how the author can be used, some poetry.
incipit: This material has to fulfill several purposes, namely: to explain why I decided to "pollute" your site with this strange Bulgarian language, to give a possibly brief summary of what was in the mysterious Open Letter, to provide the readers on this site with some non-standard information about Bulgaria, to tell you something about the very author, then to make you acquainted with one my idea for using of Latin alphabet for sufficiently good writing of ALL world languages, to use it as example…

tags: #latin alphabet(1)    #acrostic(1)    #barbarism(1)    #bravi autori(2)    #etymology(24)    #misery(5)    #own idea(1)    #translation(3)    #bulgaria(14)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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