Hundred times tribute to my Bulgaria, although it is Europès poorest area (multilingual acrostics) - abridged!
Descrizione: This is a book of poetry, where all verses are acrostics, with the same vertical text BULGARIA, yet in 4 languages. English, German, Russian, Bulgarian! Plus this, because of the 1st letters, everything is transliterated, and with basic Latin!
Incipit: Cont. The total amount is 840 poetical lines, where the first 2 langs give exactly by 20 %, and the second 2 give by 30 %. The topics of the verses are whatever, say, about life, men and women, nature, society and politics, some wise observations, etc. It is unbelievable that there will be readers who will understand all these languages, yet 2 are necessary and 3 are preferable. It is a work of pair of years, but at the end I have managed this difficult for me task, and in an age of nearly 75.
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tags: #bulgarian image(3) #fight with misery(3) #important topics(3) #in bulgarian(28) #pensioner curiosities(3) #open letter(4)
tags: #atheism(9) #impartiality(5) #in bulgarian(28) #multilingua(6) #philosophy(28) #religion(16) #science fiction(5) #utopia(13) #communism(14)
tags: #actual models(3) #critique of democracy(3) #humorous(4) #in bulgarian(28) #political aphorism(3) #scientific(7) #utopian(4) #politics(42)
tags: #in bulgarian(28) #light verses(13) #nonsenses(8) #parodies(6) #political(3) #sundry(5) #funny(68)
tags: #bulgarian image(3) #fight with misery(3) #hinted propositions(2) #important topics(3) #open letter(4) #pensioner curiosities(3) #in bulgarian(28)
tags: #bulgarian image(3) #fight with misery(3) #hinted propositions(2) #important topics(3) #open letter(4) #pensioner curiosities(3) #in bulgarian(28)
tags: #bulgaria(14) #economy(6) #in bulgarian(28) #independently(6) #own ideas(8) #politics(42) #popularly(44) #serious works(5) #untraditionally(6) #publicistics(10)
tags: #acrostics(4) #funny poetry(18) #in bulgarian(28) #limericks(6) #miniatures(2) #nearly serious(1) #nonsenses(8) #parodies(6) #light verses(13)
tags: #calembours(2) #english sources(1) #funny poetry(18) #in bulgarian(28) #limericks(6) #miniatures(2) #nonsenses(8) #translation(3) #light verses(13)
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